The Leadership Struggle Within the Church as Shown in Antitype

by sighandcry on October 3, 2012

Ernst Josephson David Saul

Today the Seventh-day Adventist church is facing a crisis in leadership. On one hand the current president of the church, Elder Ted N. C. Wilson and his associates are unable to stem the theological crisis in our midst regarding the ordination of women, the teaching of evolution at our church schools, and the inroads of spiritualism into the church via spiritual formation and contemplative prayer. Two union conferences in the North American Division have have recently voted to grant full ordination rites irregardless of gender despite passionate appeals from the church leadership. The teaching of evolution at La Sierra University in California has not been fully resolved. The eastern mystical concepts ingrained in the emerging church movement have flooded into the church on every side with no sign of abatement. Efforts of the leadership to call the flock back to a Bible standard on these issues is complicated by a strong liberal faction in the church who cry out against top-down style of management of these crisis and liken the system to that prevalent in the Catholic church. Examples are cited from the writings of Ellen White to the church leaders in the late 1890′s who were exercising a “kingly power” over the church which was not acceptable to God.

“Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” — 1 Corinthians 10:11

The question we would like to ask amidst all of this commotion, is there an example from the Bible, a history lesson for us to understand what is happening with the leadership of the church today and does God have a divine plan to remedy the situation? The answer is yes and it has been foretold in type with the experience of Saul, the leader of the people’s choice and David the chosen of God to succeed Saul. A insightful study from the pages of the Shepherd’s Rod provide a bright illumination unto the application of this historical example into the antitype which is a perfect explanation, and better yet, a divine solution to the crisis now in our midst. Please come and see how God is going to work to place a leadership under His control in the very near future. Download the attached study as a PDF and feast on the meat in due season God has so graciously provided for us.

The Leadership Struggle Within the S. D. A. Church as Revealed in Antitype



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