World War II Never Ended?

May 10, 2014

The Shepherd’s Rod message identified World War II in prophecy in the book of Nahum and furthermore predicted that this war was never really over and would resume once again in these latter days. These prophecies were first revealed in Tracts Nos. 12 and 14 entitled The World, Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow and War News [...]

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Seventh-day Adventists Having Too Much Knowledge and Too Little Understanding

May 3, 2014

CHRONICALLY ILL WITH TOO MUCH KNOWLEDGE AND TOO LITTLE UNDERSTANDING Text of Address by V. T. Houteff, Minister of D. Seventh-day Adventists Sabbath, February 14, 1948 Mt. Carmel Chapel Waco, Texas To illustrate the subject of our study this afternoon, let us take for example the book which the Denomination has put out on Daniel [...]

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Why are More and More Seventh-day Adventist’s Celebrating Easter?

April 26, 2014

It is increasingly apparent that more and more Seventh-day Adventist churches, rather than being not of this world, are becoming more tolerate of pagan festivals as recently reported in Adventist Today. Easter celebrations are now becoming a long standing tradition at many major S. D. A. educational institutions that hold their annual events each year [...]

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Dis-Unity in the Church: Is There a Divine Remedy?

April 19, 2014

It has been increasingly apparent that there is are divisions within the Seventh-day Adventist Church that have no apparent remedy as expressed in the heartfelt sentiments of one Adventist youth in her experiences behind the scenes in the Generation of Youth for Christ (GYC) movement and church sponsored youth ministries as there is a seemingly [...]

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Can the World Distinguish Between the Sacred and the Profane?

March 30, 2014

Waco, David Koresh, Mount Carmel, burnout, branch davidians, cult . . . Do these words sound familiar and recall uncomfortable images from one of the most notorious conflicts in the history of American law enforcement? It seems that this haunting episode in our contemporary history cannot rest while so many questions remain unanswered. Even the [...]

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Homosexuality, The Church, and The IRS: What is the Connection?

March 23, 2014

One may wonder what could possibly be the connection between homosexuality, the Seventh-day Adventist Church, and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The answer may well shock you, but as we show the underlying correlation it is well to remember the following inspired warning given over 130 years as to the dangerous trend that the church [...]

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The Pope’s Video Appeal to Protestants for Unity

March 16, 2014

Recently Pope Francis delivered an unprecedented appeal for unity to a prominent group of charismatic evangelical Christians via a personal video. Amongst observant Seventh-day Adventists this would naturally give rise to the question “Does the Pope’s Message Fulfill Prophecy?”. At least those SDA’s who believe in the Spirit of Prophecy it certainly does based on [...]

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The Ten Virgins—Matthew 25

March 8, 2014

This concludes our five part study on the 144,000 as revealed in the Revelation and now in the parable of the ten virgins of Matthew 25 which is directly applicable to the experience of the Seventh-day Adventist church today. Who will be the compose the wise and who will compose the foolish? Come and find [...]

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The 24th Chapter of Matthew. And the Signs of Christ’s Coming

March 1, 2014

This week we will review the signs of Christ’s coming as found in the twenty fourth chapter of Matthew. Most of the historical fulfillment of the prophecies found in this chapter are very familiar to us a Seventh-day Adventists. However, the signs regarding the involvement of the 144,000 from verses 36 to 51 have been [...]

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The 144,000 in Revelation 14 and 15

February 22, 2014

We continue our discussion on the historical identity of the Seventh-day Adventist church as found in the Revelation chapters 7, 10, 12, and 14 by looking more closely at the 144,000 servants of God. This a Part Three of a five part series, for part one in this series please click here. AT PROBATION’S END, [...]

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