Answers To Questions About the Former and Latter Rain

September 28, 2013

The last lesson from the current Adult Sabbath School Lesson Quarterly summarized the quarter’s lesson by highlighting the promised revival and the completion of the final gospel call under the power of the Holy Spirit. However, while emphasizing the need for unity and the power of the Holy Spirit there was no mention of a [...]

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Zechariah’s Vision of Horses and Chariots: What Does it Mean?

September 21, 2013

The Adult Sabbath School lesson from the second quarter of 2013 focused on major lessons from the minor prophets. Even though two weeks were devoted to the books of the prophet Zechariah, the sixth chapter was entirely skipped over. This is a strange coincidence as the vision of the horses and chariots found in verses [...]

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Is World War III Found in Bible Prophecy?

September 14, 2013

As the world staggers on the verge of World War III with the eminent threat of the United States planning to strike Syria in what many forecasters see as a provocation that will erupt into a much larger conflagration drawing in Russia and China in a resumption of the long standing hostilities between the Eastern and Western bloc countries. [...]

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The Prophet Hosea’s Solemn Appeal to the Seventh-day Adventist Church Today

September 7, 2013

Dear “Ammi” and “Ruhamah”: With deepest anxiety I am writing to implore you to make overtures to our estranged “Mother,”  that we may effect her reconciliation, save our Father from His inconsolable grief, and regladden our now unhappy home. I am in receipt of a letter from Father, in which He reluctantly exposes our “Mother’s” [...]

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Revival and Reformation: Is it Happening Today?

August 24, 2013

“Even so every good tree bringeth forth good fruit; but a corrupt tree bringeth forth evil fruit. A good tree cannot bring forth evil fruit, neither [can] a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit. Every tree that bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Wherefore by their fruits ye shall [...]

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Collecting Tithes and Offerings on the Sabbath: Is it Biblical?

July 13, 2013

The current Sabbath School quarterly covers the very important subject of revival and reformation, perhaps the greatest need of the church today as we move forward on the prophetic time line. It is important to understand what inspiration defines as revival and reformation and perhaps one of the most succinct and clear passages is found [...]

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The Sudden Coming of the Lord in Malachi 3 Not the Second Advent?

June 29, 2013

The Adult Sabbath School lesson quarterly closed for the second quarter with a brief sweep over the last book in the Old Testament, the book of Malachi. Although some acknowledgment was made that many of the prophecies of this minor prophet have some major lessons for us today as Seventh-day Adventists, their pressing impact regarding [...]

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The Exodus of Today in Zechariah Chapter 8

June 22, 2013

This week the Adult Sabbath School lesson for the second quarter of 2013 closed with a sweeping overview of chapters eight through fourteen from the book of Zechariah to conclude the quarter on major lessons from the minor prophets. In today’s post below we will reprint a sermon address that was given in 1946 that [...]

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Zechariah Chapters Four and Six: Are We Missing Something Important?

June 21, 2013

The current Sabbath School lesson quarterly (2nd quarter 2013) is covering major lessons from the minor prophets including the book of Zechariah. If this is the case then why have many portions of these prophecies been overlooked? For example, the fourth and sixth chapters of Zechariah contain highly symbolic prophecies which are directly applicable to [...]

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Zechariah Chapters One and Two: A Latter Day Application?

June 15, 2013

This week the Sabbath School Quarterly lesson focused on the first seven chapters of the book of Zechariah. With barely a single page given to chapters one to four and not a single word mentioned regarding chapter six is it little wonder God’s people are deprived of the present truth application of these prophecies? At [...]

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