Twenty Years Since Waco and What Have We Learned?

February 24, 2013

This year marks the twentieth anniversary of the infamous assault by Federal agents on the Branch Davidian compound near Waco, Texas on February 28, 1993 that resulted in a 51 day standoff and the eventual death of over 80 men, women, and children. The disturbing actions of a rogue government against a unconventional religious sect [...]

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How Does the Next Pope Fit Into Bible Prophecy?

February 12, 2013

Since the announcement of Pope Benedict XVI on Monday that he will step down from his pontifical throne the news media and internet have been set afire with speculation. In particular attention has been drawn to a 12th century document known as the Prophecy of the Popes which has been remarkably accurate about naming the last 111 papal [...]

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Does the Spirit of Prophecy Contradict the Shepherd’s Rod?

February 9, 2013

The enemies of Truth have always resorted to unethical tactics to avoid the plain teachings of the Bible and often take portions of scripture out of their proper context or pit one passage against another in an effort to make the Bible contradict itself. This underhanded method of study is the result of surface reading [...]

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Who Are The Twenty Four Elders Near the Throne?

February 3, 2013

We recently received a request about the twenty four elders surrounding the judgment throne in heaven. Below are some statements from the Shepherd’s Rod that make their identity and role in the sanctuary service quite clear. The striking image above comes from a study chart on the seven seals which dramatically depicts the judgment scene [...]

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The Special Resurrection of Daniel 12:2

January 27, 2013

  Continuing our exploration into some more lost treasures in the storehouse of Adventist doctrine and teaching is the special, or mixed, resurrection found in Daniel chapter twelve, verse two. Nearly every Seventh-day Adventist knows about the two general resurrections, the righteous at the second advent and the wicked at the end of the 1,000 [...]

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Does Religious Liberty Apply to Seventh-day Adventists?

January 20, 2013

Lincoln Steed, editor of Liberty magazine, the flagship voice of the Seventh-day Adventist Church on contemporary religious liberty issues, came to the Greeneville, Tennessee S.D.A. church on Sabbath January 22, 2013 to present the sermon address and an afternoon program on religious liberty. As this is a topic of much interest to all Seventh-day Adventists [...]

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Forgotten Treasures in Adventist Doctrine

January 13, 2013

In a recent Sabbath School class discussion the topic arose of the “little season” or 100 years during which time Satan will gather the resurrected wicked in an attempt to rush and overthrow  the Holy City, New Jerusalem before being cast into the lake of fire. Actually it slipped out of my mouth without thinking [...]

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Is the S.D.A. Church Practicing Christ-Like Love One to Another?

January 8, 2013

“A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.” — John 13:34, 35 A Recent Incident Have you ever gone to a church, quietly sat [...]

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Who are The Brethren of Experience?

December 30, 2012

“Thus saith the LORD; Cursed [be] the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and whose heart departeth from the LORD.” — Jeremiah 17:5 When the subject of the Shepherd’s Rod comes up amongst Seventh-day Adventists one of the common tactics used to dismiss the message and its claims is the appeal [...]

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Are Some in the Church Wondering After the Beast of Revelation 13?

December 22, 2012

All The World Wondered After The Beast “His deadly wound was healed,” John says, “And all the world wondered after the beast.” Note that the world wondered after the beast and not after the head. Therefore, it cannot mean that the world would necessarily have to enroll in the member-ship of the system represented by [...]

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