Revelation 6: Where does the Seven Seals Begin and End?

May 8, 2019

One of the most misinterpreted subjects in the Adventists world (SDA Church) is the subject of the “Seven Seals”. This study clearly explains from the Bible and SOP the period at which the Seven Seals begin. The book with Seven Seals has something very essential to our salvation, this can be seen from the fact [...]

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Scripture and Spirit of Prophecy Indexes for Original SRod Message Now Available

September 26, 2018

For those who are serious about researching the contents of the original Shepherd’s Rod (SRod) a scripture index much like the one originally developed for the writings of Ellen White known as the Spirit of Prophecy (SOP) have proven very  helpful. The first scriptural index covering the writings of the SRod message appeared sometime in [...]

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Who are the Real Seventh-day Adventists?

April 16, 2018

 In the philosophy of war it is critical to maline and dehumanize your opponent. During the American revolutionary war the British referred to the Continental Army or Minutemen as “rebels”. The Americans referred to the British troops as “redcoats” or “lobster backs”. During WWII German solders were often called “krauts” even though many of them [...]

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The 1942 Interview: V. T. Houteff and M. L. Andreasen — Truth Seeker or Informant?

February 24, 2018

For students of the original Shepherd’s Rod message it is instructive to examine some of the history of how the leadership of the Seventh-day Adventist Church responded to the message during the tenure of Brother Houteff from 1930 to 1955. To aid us in our analysis we will be releasing some important historical documents that [...]

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Seventh-day Adventist Church to Get a New Name?

January 6, 2018

If you told a typical Seventh-day Adventist that the name “Seventh-day Adventist” will not endure to the end they probably won’t believe you and think that you are just being critical of the church for its many imperfections. Unfortunately, little do they realize that God is about to change the name of His latter day [...]

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Should Christians Celebrate New Years?

December 30, 2017

So what part should a Christian have to due with the world’s New Year’s celebration? Does the new year really begin on January 1st? Does the Bible have anything to say about this? The presentation above will contrast the origin of the sacred Hebrew calendar based on the Bible (Torah) versus the Roman calendar based [...]

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Questions About Ezekiel Chapter 9: During the 7 Last Plagues or Before?

December 23, 2017

The Seventh-day Adventist Church does not want to deal with the soon coming reality of the judgment of the living which first begins at the church as vividly described in the ninth chapter of Ezekiel. In an effort to distance themselves from this dramatic act of God they often resort to a passage from the [...]

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Adventists and Abortion: When Will It End?

December 18, 2017

The practice of preforming elective abortions at Seventh-day Adventist hospitals was once largely unknown to the lay members of the church. However, this grievous sin of murdering unborn children has become much more widely known due to the efforts of a few pro-life layman who have dared to call out church leaders for their failing [...]

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Trump, Jerusalem, and Bible Prophecy: Are They Connected?

December 10, 2017

Trump, Jerusalem, and Bible prophecy, are they connected? The answer is yes, but in ways that most folks are not aware because of a lack of understanding of what parts of the Bible are relevant to the issue and how we interpret them. But before we get there let us review the highly polarized announcement [...]

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The Three Angels Message in Verity

February 11, 2017

In our continued study on justification by faith in the context of the message brought to the 1888 General Conference Session by Elders A. T. Jones and E. J. Waggoner we will see how it is the three angels message in reality. It shows that justification by faith is God’s way of changing weak, sinful, [...]

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