March 9, 2010
The corporate Seventh-day Adventist church has begun to roar like a lion by using the arm of the state to silence a small dissident church who believe they have a God given right to use the name “Seventh-day Adventist” to identify their beliefs and practices. Some of the legal facts of the case are summarized below with links at the end of this post to the supporting documents.
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February 24, 2010
The Seventh-day Adventist Church faces a monumental theological crisis when confronted with history of the most precious message brought to the Minneapolis General Conference Session in 1888 by Elders Alonzo T. Jones and Ellet J. Waggoneer. The message centered on the means by which God’s remnant church was to obtain the righteousness of Christ and, if accepted, would have brought the Loud Cry of the Third angel’s message and closed the gospel work within a matter of a few years. Tragically, the majority of the leadership and eventually, the corporate body of the church, rejected the latter rain coming from the Holy Spirit and as a result the church entered into a 40 year wilderness wandering parallel with ancient Israel’s failure to enter the promised land in the Exodus movement.
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