Another Reply to David Mould’s April 2010 Newsletter

June 9, 2010

“Dear Bro. Mould,

We were forwarded your most recent newsletter and felt compelled to respond due to the content and tenor of your article.

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David Mould-Lincoln Steed Interview

June 7, 2010

This post includes a four minute audio clip which documents the unwarranted and vicious attack against Davidian Seventh-day Adventists by David Mould, an independent ministry leader and Lincoln Steed, a high level Religious Liberty leader in the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

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David Mould’s Egregious Attack on Shepherd’s Rod Belivers

May 31, 2010

This post is a response to a recent email newsletter entitled “Remember David Koresh” dated April 18, 2010 that has been sent out to hundreds of Seventh-day Adventists (SDA’s) via email by David Mould, president of Layman for Religious Liberty Ministries (LRLM). It contains numerous highly inflammatory and contradicting remarks about Davidian Seventh-day Adventists (often [...]

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Anti-Shepherd’s Rod Literature Fails to Refute

May 23, 2010

Ever since The Shepherd’s Rod message was introduced to the Seventh-day Adventist church in 1930 there has been a continual barrage of anti-Rod literature and false accusations against Davidian Seventh-day Adventists in a desperate effort to discourage honest Adventists from investigating its claims for themselves. Yet, despite these superhuman efforts (GC 608) to keep the truth for God’s people, the enemies attacks have often turned upon itself when sincere hearted believers read both sides of the story for themselves and see that none of these publications are able to refute the plain teachings coming from The Shepherd’s Rod on a single point.

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Testimonies from Seventh-day Adventists About the Shepherd’s Rod

May 19, 2010

Come hear the other side of the story by reading dozens of published testimonies from honest hearted and courageous Seventh-day Adventists who over the years have taken the pains to carefully hear out the reasons given in The Shepherd’s Rod message and study it out for themselves.

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Are Seventh-day Adventists Better Than Their Types?

May 17, 2010

ARE WE BETTER THAN OUR TYPES? Long has the attention of the world been called to the principles of religious liberty, enunciated by the Author of Christianity, and incorporated in the articles of our Federal Government, and in turn became a part of the American Constitution, but a new day seems to have dawned, and [...]

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SDA Corporate Church Roars Like a Lion

March 9, 2010

The corporate Seventh-day Adventist church has begun to roar like a lion by using the arm of the state to silence a small dissident church who believe they have a God given right to use the name “Seventh-day Adventist” to identify their beliefs and practices. Some of the legal facts of the case are summarized below with links at the end of this post to the supporting documents.

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1888 Message: What Should Have Been

February 24, 2010

The Seventh-day Adventist Church faces a monumental theological crisis when confronted with history of the most precious message brought to the Minneapolis General Conference Session in 1888 by Elders Alonzo T. Jones and Ellet J. Waggoneer. The message centered on the means by which God’s remnant church was to obtain the righteousness of Christ and, if accepted, would have brought the Loud Cry of the Third angel’s message and closed the gospel work within a matter of a few years. Tragically, the majority of the leadership and eventually, the corporate body of the church, rejected the latter rain coming from the Holy Spirit and as a result the church entered into a 40 year wilderness wandering parallel with ancient Israel’s failure to enter the promised land in the Exodus movement.

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Seventh-day Adventist Church Violates Religious Freedom

February 22, 2010

In an alarming development, officials from the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Church physically silenced a small independent church in Guys, Tennessee having the name “The Creation and Seventh-day Adventist Church” under the order of a Tennessee district court. This draconian action took place on February 16, 2010 and included the removal of signs, books, [...]

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The Man 666-Who Is He?

December 3, 2009

Of all topics of study in the Bible, the identity of the man 666 found in Revelation Chapter 13 verse 18 is one of the more hotly debated and confusing throughout the Christian world. Especially within Seventh-day Adventist circles is the topic one of much contention with the traditionalists upholding the view that the papacy [...]

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