The Message of 1888 Marks a New Era in the Proclamation of the Third Angel’s Message

January 7, 2017

In our continuing study on the message of 1888 as reported in A. G. Daniels book entitled “Christ Our Righteousness” we find that the Loud Cry of the third angel’s message was begun and had it been accepted by the church body it would have closed the gospel in a few short years. This brings [...]

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Christ Our Righteousness, Part 4

January 1, 2017

In part 4 of our series from the book entitled “Christ Our Righteousness” by Elder A. G. Daniels about the history and background of the message given at the 1888 General Conference Session by Elders A. T. Jones and E. J.Waggoner we are shown the source of the message as it was set forth in [...]

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God’s Health Plan Beats Socialized Medicine (i.e. Obama Care)

December 18, 2016

As the United States prepares to transition from one president to the next many are longing for some serious changes the will bring economic prosperity and sense of security back to the average citizen. One area a particular concern is the nation’s health care system where health care costs in 2014 amounted to a staggering [...]

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Christ Our Righteousness, Part 3

December 17, 2016

In part 3 of our series from the book entitled “Christ Our Righteousness” by Elder A. G. Daniels about the history and background of the message given at the 1888 General Conference Session at Minneapolis, Minnesota by Elders A. T. Jones and E. J.Waggoner we are shown evidences how Ellen White warned the church of [...]

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Christ Our Righteousness, Part 2

December 10, 2016

  We continue our series from the book entitled “Christ Our Righteousness” by Elder A. G. Daniels, pictured above, that was first published in 1923 and served as a first hand account of the most significant meeting in the history of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, the 1888 General Conference Session convened in Minneapolis, Minnesota. (For [...]

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Christ Our Righeousness, Part 1

December 3, 2016

A topic of central focus to our salvation is righteousness by faith and what God expects for us to be saved His way. The means by which God will have a people, specifically the 144,000 sealed alive from the Seventh-day Adventist Church, who will proclaim the Loud Cry to call out His people from the [...]

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The Stone in Daniel Two: The S.D.A. Deception Exposed!

August 6, 2016

Take a close look at the prophetic chart above. It may be hard to believe that the leaders of our beloved Seventh-day Adventist Church are purposely leading their flocks astray by teaching man made theories in the place of truth of what this chart shows. For example, the contemporary teaching that the stone in Daniel [...]

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Should the Seventh-day Adventist Church be Concerned About Social Justice?

July 16, 2016

The current world situation is becoming increasingly unstable as evidenced by brazen terrorist attacks, social unrest, racial divisions, and political turmoil amongst all levels of society. Some misdirected attempts of reform come from so-called social justice warriors (SJWs) which participate in movements such as the prominent “black lives matters” (BLM). However, these movements have nothing [...]

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The End of Human Idols and Their Worshipers

April 23, 2016

Today God’s remnant Seventh-day Adventist church is filled with human idols and those who follow their favorite preacher or evangelist rather than God’s Word. One wonders when all of this will come to and end and Christ’s true followers will come to a point where all see eye-to-eye and speak the same things. The answer [...]

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Does God Need 19+ Million SDA’s to Give the Loud Cry?

April 9, 2016

The Seventh-day Adventist Church has passed a new milestone and are very proud of it as reported in the latest issue of the Review and Herald. The Seventh-day Adventist Church’s official membership has topped 19 million for the first time in history, and the number of local churches has doubled worldwide to more than 80,000 [...]

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