SDA Church Missionary Efforts to Cease?

August 15, 2015

The Seventh-day Adventist Church is very proud of its worldwide evangelistic efforts abroad which includes well over 14 TV Stations, countless internet broadcasts, websites and over 21 radio stations with combined expenditures that sore in the multimillions of dollars. A visit to the expo area at the recent 2015 GC Session held in San Antonio, [...]

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Who Decides a Point of Doctrine as True or False?

June 27, 2015

Whenever a matter of doctrinal controversy arises in the Seventh-day Adventist church over the teachings found in the original Shepherd’s Rod (SRod) message the following in certain to happen. In order to avoid any prayerful investigation in the topic at hand church leaders assert that the SRod message has been already been investigated by the [...]

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Who is to Come in the Spirit and Power of Elijah?

June 20, 2015

“Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet before the coming of the great and dreadful day of the LORD: And he shall turn the heart of the fathers to the children, and the heart of the children to their fathers, lest I come and smite the earth with a curse.: — Malachi 4:5, 6 [...]

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How to Best Relate to the Church When Under Attack

June 13, 2015

“Let the elders that rule well be counted worthy of double honour, especially they who labour in the word and doctrine. For the scripture saith, Thou shalt not muzzle the ox that treadeth out the corn. And, The labourer [is] worthy of his reward. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but before two or [...]

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Democracy, Communism, Catholicism, or Protestantism–Which is Next to Rule the World?

May 30, 2015

To the keen observer of the times it is apparent that the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. A question uppermost in the minds of many is where are we heading, who is next going to rule the world with so many forces struggling for supremacy? God alone knows the future and [...]

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Do Sunday Laws Purify the Seventh-day Adventist Church?

May 23, 2015

On the prophetic horizon for many Seventh-day Adventists (S.D.A.’s) the next big event will be the enforcement of the national Sunday law. Coupled with this event is the colossal misconception that these laws will cause unconsecrated members of the church to depart and this will result in the separation between faithful and the unfaithful in [...]

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Are Vaccinations in Harmony With the Three Angel’s Messages?

March 28, 2015

“I am filled with sadness when I think of our condition as a people. The Lord has not closed heaven to us, but our own course of continual backsliding has separated us from God. Pride, covetousness, and love of the world have lived in the heart without fear of banishment or condemnation. Grievous and presumptuous [...]

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The Everliving Church and Her Enemy: Part 2

March 7, 2015

We continue our study from last week on the woman of Revelation 12 and who are the remnant of her seed. God’s richest blessings in your search for truth as for hidden treasure. “Indeed, realizing that he had brought an end to his ever again in heaven accusing the brethren, and knowing that his stay [...]

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The Everliving Church and Her Enemy

February 28, 2015

Recently we have received questions regarding how to understand who is “the remnant of her seed” in Revelation chapter 12 verse 17. To answer this it is best to look at the entire chapter as the standard Adventist understanding of the time setting of the women as a whole and the various symbols employed therein [...]

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Shunning the Things of This World

February 23, 2015

Should Seventh-day Adventists (S.D.A.‘s) watch movies? What about television? What about attending plays and dramatic events? Or how about creating movies (filmmaking) on the Great Controversy theme or other so called Christian topics? The answer to these questions should be a resounding NO but it seems that many are clamoring for a justification to participate [...]

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