Righteousness by Grace, Righteousness by Faith, and the Righteousness of Christ: Part 1

November 22, 2014

  We will begin a three part investigation in what is righteousness by following a sermon address on this most important topic that uses many examples from history to clearly demonstrate the difference between righteousness by grace, righteousness by faith, the righteousness of Christ. We believe you will be blessed with a much richer understanding [...]

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The River of Ezekiel’s Vision

November 15, 2014

Never before in the history of the Bible has Ezekiel’s prophetic vision of the 47th chapter depicting a great river ever been explained. Now at the end of this earth’s history the rebuilding of God’s kingdom church comprised of the first fruits, the 144,000 coming from the Seventh-day Adventist church and the Great Multitude coming [...]

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The House of Judah, Who do They Represent?

November 8, 2014

When reading portions of scripture it is often difficult to identify the many figures and symbols involved. For example we were recently asked who is represented by the “house of Judah” in Zechariah 12:4. Fortunately, through the guidance of inspiration, we can determine the proper application of this term in its proper time frame. Upon [...]

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The Deadly Wound Is Healed

November 1, 2014

The basic Seventh-day Adventist teaching on the beast of Revelation 13:1-10 is in need of some serious reconsideration, especially when it comes to identifying the various symbols invoked such as the 10 horns and the 7 heads. Also exactly who inflicted the deadly wound? Was it Berthier, the nominal French general or was it Martin [...]

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The People That Hardly Stand a Chance: Who are They?

October 25, 2014

This powerful sermon address explains the importance of Divine vision, Divine interpretation, and Divine faith as an inseparable trio that lead to Christ and eternal life, something that the Seventh-day Adventist church as a body is in desperate need of today. TEXT OF ADDRESS BY V.T. HOUTEFF, MINISTER OF D. SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS SABBATH, JANUARY 24, [...]

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Shintoism and Non-progressive Christianity

October 18, 2014

Why is Christianity divided into so many sects? What about the followers of Buddha? What kind of a man was he — good or bad? Was he a deceiver or was he a teacher of righteousness? Or what about Mohammed, to whom something like 1.6 billion, 23% of the earth’s population bow. What kind of [...]

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The Product of the School of God and the Product of the School of Man

October 11, 2014

The world loves to glorify the accomplishments of the great educated men of the world and even most Christians laud and seek after these things. But few if any consider the product of the school of God such as the great figures of Bible history leading us to ponder where are the Enoch’s, Noah’s, Abraham’s, [...]

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A Message to Those Who Are in Doubt about the 144,000, the Great Multitude, and Ezekiel 9

September 13, 2014

Over the years there has been much confusion within the Seventh-day Adventist church as to how many saints are going to be saved alive (i.e. translated) when Jesus comes in the clouds of glory. Is it only going to be 144,000 or is there a great multitude as well? From when and where do these [...]

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August 30, 2014

Posted below is a strong appeal to the then elders of the Seventh-day Adventist church in 1953 who were openly fighting against the plain Bible teaching of a two fold harvest of souls at the end of earth’s history, the 144,000 first fruits from the church and the Great Multitude second fruits who come into [...]

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August 23, 2014

As we look at our world today in great turmoil with wars, bloodshed, violence, and corruption raging everywhere one wonders why God’s church seems so powerless to stem the flood of iniquity. A closer study of prophecy reveals that soon God will have a people, though timid and distrustful now, who will be as David [...]

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